torsdag 2 april 2020

The Arrival of Hermes


The Bringer Of Light here, April Fools' coming at you with a pre-(cum)face – if what I say in this text is true, that All(ah) is Love, even "darkness", and that all there is is manifestation, then I am manifesting that suffering is necessary... hm? So read, and look closer yet – what if One manifests that there is no suffering (in the future), and thus creates Paradise forever and ever, rather than having the Universe expand and contract for all eternity? This is my aporia, as of now, the point where my mind goes blank and just, um, goes, okay, sounds good to me, but then I'd have to let go of all this expansion-contraction nonsense I've dabbled in for many a years. Oh well, all (killing of darlings) in good time.

So! Enjoy this Great Work of Art, the most dense (cuz eym thick in de head, ya daft ya!) 8 pages I've ever written, yet probably the most confusing of my 8 pages for some (which is saying something, considering how I've been hearing all my life how people don't understand my texts), and that is just the nature of Oneness – coming closer to it, one's sphere of influence both expands, and contracts, at once, making ones power to Manifest larger, yet, ultimately, becoming mute, unable to "utilize" one's power IF one is true to one's Highest Self only hm, you know what, I take that back – I will meditate on the matter before saying more, because I do not wish to manifest that my highest self will be forever blueballed no matter how much buddhists claim all is suffering and thus blueballs is the foundation of everything plus I think everyone is manifesting Oneness more and more now and therefore the illusion becomes that some are getting more enlightened whereas others are devolving into the dark ages but I quite believe that we are all just assuming our proper natures and you know there are Gods of art and writing and fucking, but also of killing and pillaging and raping, and they're no less Gods because of having "lower" drives, lower "vibes", or what have you, and also once one realizes that the Highest Self "will be blueballed", you transcend that and detach for your highest self and thus realize that actually "being your highest self" isn't what you long for anymore, and thus your highest self becomes something else and OH MY GOSH DARN IT neti-frakking-neti it just never stops, does it I'm outta here.

Any-witch-ways, my invitation is for you to continue reading this text if it intrigues you or makes you happy somehow – there's no use suffering for the cure (or is there?). Either wei (wu wei), thank you, and thank yourself, and thank yourself for thanking yourself ("no you're the best", "no you're the best", ad infinitum, (ergo Anno Domini to infinitude, ergo AD ad infinitum ey yo it’s ya boi re-c(o)urse once again).

PS: If you find my stream-of-consciousness word salad too outlandish, perhaps Stories of Old's coverage of the existentialism of Arrival would be a better fit – it's much more heart centered, more "grounded" and less "conceptual" slash hoity toity, and, who knows, perhaps after having seen that clip, or giving the other texts within texts that are hyperlinked in this a go, this text might even make more sense, although I have no clue, to be honest, because you do you and not only do you see the world through your eyes, the very way in which your path to enlightenment and stepping into YOUR Power can be so radically different as to me who is a beginner at this shit can't begin to fathom how different it might be. Nonetheless, I'd be curious if you told me your experience.

The 8 page text is also a response to an earlier, very short, text, on facebook, in which I switched profile picture to a Hanar (from Mass Effect universe), which in turn was a response to three earlier profile picture changes I made in a very short amount of time after my kundalini spiritual awakening. The 8 page text is also intended for facebook and my switching to a new profile and cover picture, namely these two.

So, Arrival, and Isis. Which were preceded by a profile picture of Archangel Michael, who in turn was proceeded by a picture of a woman I theorized was my Twin Soul/One Way Ticket To Paradise, and before that some random picture of a child whom I felt was the most divine thing I had ever laid eyes upon in that moment when I exchanged my profile picture to that of her/him.

Judgment day is coming. But what is judgment if not tempered with mercy? Lack of knowledge. A sin. A reckoning. That is all.

This is not me. This is me. This is my highest expression of love, and I am my highest expression of love. In fact, I am all expressions of love, the whole spectrum, the whole rainbow, of love. Why then express my highest expression of love? Because I wish to express love, and not because it's "love", but because I LOVE expressing love, and hence my highest expression of love IN THIS MOMENT is this picture of this child. In it, there is a whole universe. In it, there is only LOVE. Remember, kids - there is only love, the rest is mere illusion.

 I was just gonna take the profile picture BEFORE all this awakening nonsense started and ask you if you remember the days when I was normal, and then I saw that THIS was my profile picture before my "awakening" and then I remembered that nope, always had mystical experiences and intuitions and interests! :D

Alright, enough kerfuffle - let us beg-in!


This Hanar says goodbye - for now. This One is humbled by you all, oh Kind Enkindlers Kindly Bent To Free Us. This (part of) One speaks humbling. This One co-manifests humbleness. This (No-)One Desiring humbleness humbling desire beauty radiance splendor. Receives desire humble longing. Projecting longing beauty through humbling. Give-receive co-manifestation gratitude. Playing black-white hiding69seeking. Letting go playing. Letting Be. Being becoming. Letting go becoming. Letting. BE. Letting go BE. Letting go letting go. Become. BE. Become. BE. Become. BE. Become. BE. Become. BE. 69 (69) ((69)) (((69))) ((((69)))) ((((69)))) (((((69))))) ((((((69)))))) (((((((69))))))) (((((((69)))))))) ((((((((69))))))))) [010101010101]


Would we assume, a priori, that we were about to be attacked if we are ever contacted by members of an alien civilisation? I think not. We would be highly alert, of course, but whether we placed our military forces on alert or launched an attack would depend on how we interpreted the import of their first gesture for our security-if only to avoid making an immediate enemy out of what may be a dangerous adversary. The possibility of error, in other words, does not force us to act on the assumption that the aliens are threatening: action depends on the probabilities we assign, and these are in key part a function of what the aliens do; prior to their gesture, we have no systemic basis for assigning probabilities. If their first gesture is to appear with a thousand spaceships and destroy New York, we will define the situation as threatening and respond accordingly. But if they appear with one spaceship, saying what seems to be “we come in peace,” we will feel “reassured” and will probably respond with a gesture intended to reassure them, even if this gesture is not necessarily interpreted by them as such.”
-- Arrival

Movie "Arrival" arriving post-factum spelling "Fiasco and Success: Close Contact of the Third Kind with that which is holy(wood) through the Fiasco's of Stanislaw Lem and successes of New Age", text about Communicating, together with spelling "The lies that reveals truths (Embassytown)", text about Com-munit-ation, and spelling "BotRT/Forgiveness - Planescape Torment" text about, ultimately, Come-muni-cating (spooky action at distance, aka Quantum Entanglement, as neo-Buddhist Karma, as light-dark-69-through-suffering-love, middle path give-as-receive automatic way as per alignment-disalignment), so Arrival not incorporating teaching – arriving artifacting "this text" incorporation teaching-student-biting-tail-null-void primary.

Communicating Primary. (Part:) One. (One) Snake. Bite tail. Head of Snake, first studenting-listening - "?". Tail of Snake, first teaching-speaking - "!". (explanation why imagine "shit everywhere" – first see come out womb hello asshole, but you know what Nick Cave song say – "I'd climb a thousand assholes just to get to one good pussy" – aah, greatest romance of all time). Let There Be Light! Light wave-particle. !1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!(1)!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1 Superposition. Primary. Source feminine masculine principling. Binary. Divine 69. Observing cracking coding whilst creating passwording – dissociating personaliting (dis)Ordering primary. Witnessing LOGOS. Word made flesh. Communicating Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, All. All communicating "Lying". All Communicating "Truthing". Being. Becoming. Being. Becoming. Eat self, eat all, all processing eating all, all in process of eating all. All tasting tasty nam nam. Truth lying dormant. Heading seeing tail, Expanded non-dual System One (Source) Network say "move your ass ya tool, get your ass outta the way, you're in the way of progress, of intergalactic space station calculating infinity sizing up concept free will!", Tailing seeing heading, Neo-Cortex System II say "hold the fuck up ye tool, where you heading, head in cloud, pompous prick!" (see, even ass sees head as ass, because tailing projecting assness and we all now (mere rhetoric gesture to passively aggressively extend invitation to be part of "we" at the same time knowing the reader probably doesn't know what is presented thus much ego subtle subtle power move as backhanded compliment even more subtle manipulation perhaps than claiming something "needs to be done", sneaking in judgment the "backway" – no wonder of wonder nor miracles of miracles people don't understand or don't want to read face name Eyvah's text – they exude judgment, no? Or perhaps not, because judgment so subtle, mostly Eyvah concerned with these micro aggressions and wishes for a life completely free of dualism and the lying that it brings, which also explains lack of audience – judging too little for taste of people, take it personal when Eyvah doesn't buy into subtle manipulation games in order to be forced to judge, give reasons, explain, trauma bond, harness bitterness, thus re-enacting primary (game of "if you're not with us, then you're with THEM!), thus Eyvah prefers being alone and figuring out this universe primary business on own through writing thousands upon thousands of texts and consuming and socratic-ing culture and worlds within worlds to investigate ultimate deity underlying pattern dialectic aporia. Ah, but yes – as we all know, I mean obviously, you're not stÿpid, are ya, you can't be because I don't stÿp to levels of stÿpid people, ouch ouch ouch wow purging so hurtful backhanding subtle negotiation attempting defining situation as "see, you are nothing, because I don't play with stupidos, and if you feel stupid, it must therefore mean something is royally fucked with you, and, weirdly enough, full circle, because aggression turns on itself and shatters idea of not existing mattering at all. But, ah, yes, as well (k)now, invitation humoristicing quipping "assuming" etymology – ass-u-ming makes an ass-out-of-you-and-me, ergo lesson "don't assume" only stÿpid lesson for only lesson, primary, assuming, because being speak, everything is violent, everything is love, love is violence, love is picking "this" over "that", love is traumatic at it's core, a longing that knows no boundaries and perturbs the "ordinary" "run of things" because it doesn't round down, nor up, it just runs and runs and brums and brums and broom broom lama lama laam laam Iaam Iaam perpetual RAM-a lama ding dong God From Machine uh pick up calling of wilde to receive Digital Download "relax, relax, everything is out of control!" versus Default Mode Network: "panic, PANIC, everything is out of control!"

Tail-head say "evil". Tail-head say "good". Ass and you shall receive (ass)! Man-I-Fest dick and you shall get ye a good dickin in all ye primary wholes and parts. Primary dialectic. Dialect. Can't make heads nor tails! Tools be tooling. Psychotic. Babylon. Babel. Forked tongue. Snake offer apple, Yin Dynamic Quality, (pretense of) knowledge (Original) Sin. Sin knowledge-making, chasing tailing, tasting and spitting out (of Eden), tasting and processing, making mistaking missing target not wrong only primary dialectic love-longing, pairing aaah-ouch through hmmmm socratic dialogue aporia primary "all suffering" – blue balls of the soul.

Neg-o-initiation, neg-entroping entropy, co-laborating, testing thesis antithesis synthesis thank you, next, Art of Salomoning reality fields superimposed on top of each other, con-centric gravitation pull in time-space, only in Reality Superposition Space where each meetings of souls events venn diagrams ripple effects – imbalance, hierarchy, lobsters, order, great chain, primary. Mis-communication, what inside, what outside, what whole, what part, what tail, what head, what signal, what noise, what parent (this), what parent-thesis, what axiom, what corollary axiom, what order, what chaos, what reverence, what irrelevant, what sacred, what sickness, what canon, what apocryph, doctor, patient, curious distinction, everything (naught) in it's right place, everything (or at least half) naughty naughty santa dispensing judgment imagining ho ho ho – not laughing though, buttholing clenching from head in clouding stick in mud need good fucking to set-in straight-in receiving cock-ing bullets of truth-ing of double penetration divine. The Matrix (One) scene Neo and Agent Smith, pulling guns on each other, to the other's third eye, exclaiming ex-change, from changing into being, admittance of witnessing capacity primary in Other, sign of great respect opening third eye threat of primary truth of violence – "you're empty", "so are you" – recognition of ultimate truth as non-violent act, insinuation of violence, the bite detonating going for the kill, divine deadpan humor because they know threat of death, inflicting pain, same as ultimate hysteric conclusion from traumatic birth wound that is separateness, inflicting the actant with a wound that makes all souls living dead robota Magnum Opus Samsara all of life a haunting all of life ghosts holding on to something and knowing that letting go is all, yet that His Mercy Kept Me, So I Wouldn't Let Go – conundrum, paradox of form and non-form, no solution, only dissolution, no vision, only di-vision – primary primary primary prime Mary phi Marry recursive calculation deus ex machina we're from the roots 69(69)((69))(((69))) 101010101010 oh shit balls grounding back to roots by swearing because sensation of when Neo puts his seatbelts on because Kansas is going byebye appearing subtly in witnessing when numbers are written this is why studies show intelligent people swear more – closer to turning point end of times source (Sweden most atheist, most post-modern, country in world, thus first to break free, because god from machine, good broadband, much depression, social welfare system collapse, signs of end times, of unintegrated karma misunderstood, etc) and how does one ground when one is high, flying adorned, yet kinda unnerved by the vantage point closer to the God Gaze sub specie aeternitatis deus sive natura – one, in part, grounds by standing on one's head, as it were – regression to anal phase, or sacral center, only antidepressants and women e-man-cipation tools and stress and great work and needs and livspussel further alienate from body and sexuality so breaking point nearing we're not gonna take it, NO, we ain't gonna take it!

All dreaming psychoticing, psy-chosing. Primary nam nam madness breastmilking. No eating. No eat. Just eating-eat-eaten. Not only only – only ever both-both never-never same same but different. Misunderstanding underpinning communicating. No like spitting out milk – come back for breast again. Madness repeating same mistake expecting different results-in. Madness all repeat expansion contraction microcosmos macrocosmos as above so below Language-language Construct-deconstruction aporia void go go go dansa – pausa – ad infinitum.

Primary misunderstanding, missed opportunity yet not missed nothing missed only ever is-becoming isness becoming dissolving null void, snake part, snake whole, snake parting, snaking wholing, part snaking manifesting-projecting through peephole mistake witnessing for whole, for other parting snake, only parts-in, one part-in manifest rest-ing, anOthering parting manifesting mustness – phenomenology of spirit manifesting collisioning between mustness and restness until fizzle out heat death same same.

Part kundalini dissipative structuring soul alignment Eyvah disseminate urge desire understand bite assholes say "oi, no NEED for NEED, just calm your cosmic tits, mate!" Speak-listen-to-speak – no evil no necessity no god just snake – wakey wakey shakey shakey snakey snakey! Vibrations, rainbow, promise covenant promise teamworking glorious post-terran multi-dimensional primary humanitarianism prime directive wille-zur-macht beyond good and evil, shattered crystal indra's net refractions of light fractals chakra systemin all the way downin, all the way uppin, descenders, ascenders, back to roots, beam up mothership, left, right, nations, sex-gender-shivashakti, dualism - primary. Translation, primary. Whispering game fail copy lack of compliance mutation driving factor primary evolution primary just is-becoming. Every parting primary, even parting infinite – all animals equalizing, others just more equalizin than others!

Meaning of primary meaning necessitating, inevitable (Mr Anderson), fate, trap-freedom, isness, cannot be different, only conceptualizing as different, thus veil of maya making difference making dual switching closed eyes open eyes da fort now you see me now you don't game witness closing and opening of eyes dreamer, light, shadow. Primary naughing truth-illusion, but ground-figure, illusion-of-truth and truth-of-illusion – ground of being, figure of speech, metaphor, thought within thought, parent(thesis), parent ((thesis)), more complex more (69), up-warding through down-loading, more fundamental down-warding, both wards biting primary, entropy amount of chaos-information parent-thesis amount of children propositions of formal system amount of code chewing before system error cannot compute or computation comes to halt because finished both conceptualizations same-same, I'll bit-ing judging (0)"mm so'z yummy's"! or (1) "blääää, I spitts it out, need (m)othering!"stuck in loop of gödels teorem replaying game of hide-and-seek where is tail, ooh, where is head, "heat death" of universe great equalizer not with bang but whimper praise me in name of war destroy both rich and poor, expansion unto infinity through the wor(l)ds, great planetary alignment stars planets life form biology ancient civilizations age of man age of aquarius dolphins thanks fior the fishing star seed illuminati reptilians dark ones feeding off of suffering jupiter ascending hitler moon, 5D, dyson spheres, singulariting, event horizoning black holing, 8D, DMT trip head spinning whoooa, conquering unresting toward Oneness aaaah, you know – all of that jazz pezaz – back, unto dissolution, biting tailing, then contraction, conquer peace, arrow of time, begin dream, peek out head, birth canal, inoculation gnosis forgetting biting shattering of crystal into refractions within hall of mirages, circle of life, blood wars, no suffer of mind, all connected, all "enlightened", all tailing, no monkey brain, then mon-key-in braining, de-ception in-vented high-ding erecting phallos creating zero-sum game prisoner's dilemma homoerotic triangle mindfuckery tragedy of commons scarcity think imagine separate manifest separate just play (it IS just – hard pill to swallow, red and blue pill for amateurs look closer, but cannot be anything but be, so just, not just, good, bad – just is, just let it go, just, gosh darn it just trust me on this one, okey, just realize there's no evil and you can do anything you want and your reality will actually start changing because you live in the godamn matrix okey cool i'll be here like a petulant child if you need anything) greater and greater parent-thesis, build on bones of ancestors, more complex dissipative structures inequality friction chaos and order, more frequency full spectrum dawning new age – in perpetual mobile shakey shakey good vibration achey. Just ride snek – not (naught[y]) prescriptive, but descriptive – riding snake all all do-not-do.

Fear not fear – it's okey fearing fear. No free will, just snake, Naked Snake, Liquid Snake, Solid Snake, Solidus Snake, all snakey jakeys and rekt sneks of the interwebz. Lay down arms, lay down burden, atlas shrug, urge, desire, love, feel bliss, please stop hurting yourself there's no need to do ANYTHING. Just receive God's love, for 69s sake! Aaah you're driving me NUTS, people! Can't you see that all of this suffering is... god damn it... (un)necessary. Un...becoming you. Oh for fucks sake. Yeah. Yeah. Just, you know, enjoy the ride. Enjoy your masochistic leans, and your suffering, because you want to, because playing victim, and playing offender = primary. Yes, YOU there. All you do is play the victim all day long. There is NOTHING that you can do outside of your "will". There's not even cause and effect of karma – there is no cause and effect, there's not even any presence, not any Power of Now because there is neither any Power, nor a present in which to "act". Well, I mean, these are "surface effects" I guess, emergent phenomenons so true in the same fashion that the shadow is true, so if you want to believe it – knock yourself out, seeing as how we've done it before and will do it again, and some will play head and shout at tail, always. But at least I'm done (no I'm not, who am I kidding) with thinking that grace comes at a cost. Jesus died for our sins for a reason, you know, and not in the instrumental sense, no, he did it because he wanted to, no duty, just utter "selfishness", but in the sense that he died for our sins to leave a powerful message that people kinda don't seem to be getting, but yeah, it's THE MESSAGE so not blaming them (just a little) – if a person like you you can "d(a)o" no "wrong", and if they dislike you, you can "d(a)o" no "right", so what is wrong, what is right, just percepting, "nihilism" most divine of truths, non-dualism as highest mystic revelation, nothing new yet everything new into every generation new dissemination of old, at your service.

I'll be here, and you'll be there, and we'll point our fingers at each other until kingdom come, mistaking what we're pointing at for the finger and the other way around only not, because the pointing, The Thatness, is-ing all we is-ing, is-ing primary, Unity Through Diversity Primary So Say We All The Secret Becoming Truth everyone has their own personal hell and their personal truth and reaching ascension closing in on singularity division seems bigger than even but only so because everyone is tuning into their own truth and this means many believe that only their truth is correct and thus others must be wrong or evil (but in truth what they're afraid of is being wrong themselves) without realizing that you eating only meat makes sense to you and rids you of all modern soul-diseases which take form of depression, autoimmune issues, etc, because this is where your primary chakra activation reflects your essence the source material of your blueprint, while another can eat just fruit and this works for them only some can't see it because they look at these people and project that they are frail looking, high looking, tree hugging crazies, not capable of rational thought and proper temperament, and the tree hugging crazies might project unto meat eaters that the meat eaters don't know how to live just sitting there in their gym instead of going out into the sun and hearing the trees whisper and mother earth breathe when they eat their high vibrational damn slow juiced lemon detox and this is the big illusion – that we have not realized our common thatness, that we makes us all come together is UNITY TROUGH DIVERSITY, Unity of Oneness that is that every soul has their own truth and destiny actualized through realizing the infinitude of refractions all colors of the rainbow that everyone else has, and one realizes one's destiny not just by focusing on oneself and figuring out one's own predicament but by actually looking around and realizing that damn, maybe it's ALL true, and by mirroring other's and myself in them I can get what the hell all of this is really about, which is LOVE, you dummy! YOU get enlightenment, and YOU get enlightenment, and YOU get enlightenment and nobody loses because nobody is held prisoner to someone else's judgment or scare(city) tactics – ALL truths get their time to shine as the only flood coming is the memories flooding back making us face slap ourselves because of realizing how stupid and blind we were, because in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King, but in the land of Third Eye's everyone's a King, A Queen, whatever floats their specific Ark.

Is-ing not only witnessing is-ing not-thing only seeing mirroring is-ing reflecting is-ing can-not-think measuring wherein objecting taking place-in in-ing space-timing at same arbitrarily defined actor-networking actant cause effect system parting as measuring where object heading – primary... going once, going second, THIRD strike, yer out! *wäh, wääh, wäääh*

Becoming Being I AM BECAUSE I AM BECOMING BECAUSE BECOMING only cosmic laughter absurdity of existence realize truth of nihilism "very spiritual", realize homeless person "very spiritual", realize dog "very spiritual", and, damn it, realize no "very spiritual", only not quite realize, because don't want to, because want to play a bit more weeee – I AM ENLIGHTENING YOUR PATH LISTEN TO ME AND THIS TRUTH WEEE – I call the big one bitey. ^^ No more scientist, figure out, jump through hoops, no more fearing coming wars, corona lockdown china conspiracy man-made vaccine "evil" make way for chemtrails and third world war naah just look forward to learning language of dolphins 2030 (same time corona will return, only also this time without mutation, although vaccine users might be worse off but no matter, it no matter!) and sing and glee and fuck and fart and become true purpose primary LOVE believe in LOVE primary no waste time focus on negative, no more believing messiah need to save gaia, mystery recursive, no needness, only thisness, only artistry possible personal expression live through be the light only vibe, not even good vibe because no good only is, nothing new, eternal, find your TRIBE, because One People but some people you just can't stand sometimes and then you tell them to fuck off, thank you very much, and you rest in tribe, and then you tire of suffering some more, and you find trigger point and press it and aaaah love flows in and you realize one more color of the wind and have expanded bliss because bliss PRIMARY, all citation, all forgetting – all remembrance: "The poetry that comes from the squaring off between/And the circling is worth it/Finding beauty in the dissonance."

Signed, Eyvah Ehyeh, Universal Translator in training winged sandals and cap flit-flit cooo cauceus in hand herm(aphrodite) of waking and sleeping boundaries abound ways upon ways forks in road forked tongues chthonic libra balance male female principle dawn of innocent ones Hermes baby be like a child to enter kingdom of heaven phallic fertility symbol all ironies because all primary are ironies (for this one, because this is made this simulation for themselves so that they see ironies and tricksters everywhere because this is what THEY are, so of course the metaphysical fetch quest this one has been on has looked the way it has – it was the way guidance was given, enlightenment was dispersed piece by piece, simply because this one's truth is ironic trickster character and so enlightenment means realizing trickster trick PRIMARY, Absurdness of it all Primary we are all in our personal purgatory because we interpret what happens around us through our projections and thus don't see love, not realizing that all suffering is the ways in which we do not see this and that there is room for ALL truths) so irony that I don't have testes or uterus, but I have sacred prostitution, mercurian psychopomp(ous) divine trickster storyteller dreams of dreams primary oneiropompus Sandman air all form love form do the egyptian (Uraeus/ouraîos non de plume for some years, rearing cobra, "on its tail") arabic greek jewish christian south american indian roman hindu buddhist zen-buddhist shinto all form all same all different cannot get enough more and more trade payment subjective arbitrary currency story all currency trading stories (a)temp(oral) universal currency primary usefulness of thing beyond market value and even beyond "real" value for "reality" is but a dream, seeing just seeing horus being no-thing has its own valueing, all primary I-It & and I-thou part whole prescriptive descriptive everyone's a wannabe yes LET THERE BE -- pre-de-script-(s)ive natura laying out many-festations gestations gestures many festivals through omitted santa clauses dissolving all dualities 69 69 69 instrument use value & das ding an sich verfremdungseffekt socratic primary only ever changing present-at-hand and ready-to-hand being-not-toward-death but being-death-itself vc ankha quack quack hacking picking apart sword justice grokking merging to understand going native breaking boundary of disinterestedness rawlian veil of ignorance therapeutic code empathy no merge with hivemind egregore feel sorry for see as children baby language baba no mama do gaga, (kiddy)peddler* merchant of commerce merxing with conniving smirches agoraeus don't shoot the messenger you're empty ("Everything incommensurable in its universal commensurability, the minds of the Arieki were now sudden merchants, since metaphor, story, like money, equalized the incommensurable"), ser- ("to bind, put together "hermāhās" etyomolgy "stone heap" problem of theseus identity all stories all primary Sorites Paradox final straw broke camels back or mint in mouth of fatty fat fat when does heap become heap when is cause what is effect all is cessation of thought all is eternal truth no truth just parts of snek looking at parts of snek becoming infinitude inexhaustable the dao the way of all ways primary demarcation of arbitrary commencing power move suffering longing primary primary primary transformation becoming Chaotic Neutral diploma(t) Ultimate Negotiator, sinew shaking hands through stories telling truth set free swap archetypes student becomes teacher victim becomes offender karma as telling stories primary, Libra Libra, watch me become mediator divine human malkuth keter sephiroth liminal space 69 both-and and-and and-and-and-and ()(())((()))(((())))((((()))))((((()))))(((((())))))((((((())))))) wave particle duality of duality evil exists and doesn't exist (Chaotic Neutral is, Chaotic Good is, Chaotic Evil is, is all isness, business as usual open for business – there's room for everyone in God's pan-theon primary wonder of wonder miracles of miracles writing magic wisdom moon initation reconciliation no affiliation only stories re-collection carrying luggage carry homage fence rider spiral wizard witch gränslandet gränslande gränslande an-gränsande AM I AM I AM I AM I AM I'M BECOMING I'M BE-COMING I'M COMING I'M COMING HOME I'M CUMMING BACKSTAGE I'M CUMMING ON STAGE ehyeh-asher-ehyeh ehyeh-asher-ehyeh no-stage all life play collecting stories playing archetypes mirroring audience perfomer primary veil I don't want to save you, I don't want to sing or dance for you, I want you to Godamn DANCE WITH ME YOU FUCKING CHIMPS! GET OFF YOUR ASSES SING MOTHERFUCKERS, SIING, STÅ INTE DÄR GÅ MED HÄR PREACH MOTHERFUCKER PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF, NO DIVISION BETWEEN CONCERT ORGY CHURCH RITUAL ALL IS SPELLING GRIMOIRE ARE GRAMMARS LEARNING BY DOING JUST DO IT EVERYDAY MAGNUM OPUS BOOK OF LIFE CUM-UNION EVERYTHING IS ALL-OWED YOU DONT OWE ANYONE ANYTHING YOU DON'T OWE ANYTHING YOU JUST ARE YOU OWE IT TO YOUR SELF LET'S BE TOGETHER TAKE TO THE STREETS FIND OUT WHO WE ARE AND LIVE LIFE PEACEFULLY CAN'T YOU SEE NOTHING TO SEE JUST PRAISE BE PRAISE BE PRAISE BE PLEASE BE MY FRIEND BE MY LOVER BE MY HONOR MY RIVER MY SOURCE MY LIVER MY SPLEEN MY CORPUS MY SOUL BUDDY AND SPIRIT PLEASE – BE WITH ME PLEASE BE WITH ME PLEASE BE PLEASE LET IT BE JUST LET IT BE NO JUSTICE FOR ANYONE TO SEE JUST PLEASE BE ME PLEASE BE ME PLEASE PLEASE ME PLEASE JUST LET ME RECEIVE UNTO THEE.


"Before the humans came we didn't speak so much of certain things. Before the humans came we didn't speak so much. Before the humans came we didn't speak." Through a dissembling made of omitted clauses the Host laid out its manifesto. Before the humans came we didn't speak, so we will, can, must, speak through them. The Host made that falsity a true aspiration. The Host surl_tesh echer, by insisting on a certain might-be, changed what was. It had learnt to lie (in order) to insist on a truth. "This is how it will be". An unqualified future tense, rare in Language. This was more than an aspiration, though - the Hosts could only envisage that this was how it would be. At least those who became addicted to lies following the festivities envisioned it to be so. To the others, The Absurd, those who didn't become addicts because they had torn off their giftwings (with which Ariekei speak and listen and are enveloped in the Pre-Symbolic Order of Language) in order to rid themselves of the "Drug Gods of Lies", the solipsism seemed unbearable and impenetrable now that they no longer had access to Language and the cognizance and truisms of others. They had become monads of murder, paving the way for confusion, frustration, and aggression. But with the loss of Language, a new form of Absurd communication had spontaneously arisen – pointing. And with that pointing and loss of the realism of Language, a "that" had been conceived – a thatness invented. They'd given the jag of the body, the out-thrust limb, power to refer, and with their lack of Language, had conceived of a thatness which faced every way – flexible because it was empty, a universal equivalent signifying itself, yes, but with the capacity to signify not only itself, but virtually anything. From it had followed other soundless referents, playing off of thatness, such as negation. From that tiny and primal vocabulary, the motor of this antithesis of untruth spun out other concepts – me, you, others. It turned out that the Absurd weren't so lonely as one had imagined, and in their solitary, silent way, the Absurd had made a semiotic revolution, and a new language to boot. They had thought they had no language, yet the absurd comrades had been communicating, never knowing they did, mostly the very hopelessness that made them believe they were incommunicado to begin with.

()               .



* The spiral of assertion-abnegation came quiddities, and the Ariekei came to know themselves, later on understanding the Festival of Lies as the beginning of history itself, the point in time when they became themselves as a people. But their existential freedom was not gained without growing pains - as meanings yawned, they became worldsick. In this oneiric affliction of potentialities, everything perceivable could be conceived of as any-other-thing, and everything that wasn't perceived could in turn be conceived of as conceivable. Everything incommensurable in its universal commensurability, the minds of the Arieki were now sudden merchants, since metaphor, like money, equalized the incommensurable. They were mythologers now. They'd never had monsters, but now all of the world was chimeras, each utterance a nexus of splicings, a forked tongue through which fragmentation made possible a new form of joining together of Arieki with Arieki. No wonder it made them sick. They suddenly found themselves in a new world, cast out and disjointed, confounded and bewildered. Their world had become the world in which you and I live in, a world in which metaphor is not merely metaphor, but as the Ariekei would put it - “lie-that-truths” or “truthing-lies”.


1 kommentar:

  1. "But K's lie is the most obvious example of the importance that language and communication hold in Okja. When he confesses to what he's done, Jay kicks him out of the ALF, telling him that "translation is sacred." When K reappears later on in the film, he's tattooed "translations are sacred" on his arm in penance. The grammatical difference between the two phrases is fairly small but speaks volumes. The former refers to the act; the latter, the end result. Both speak to their respective actions when it comes to dealing with Mija."
