lördag 15 september 2018

A feel for the progressive

"You know Big Dick Energy? Honey - Q U E E R  D I C K  E N E R G Y. That is what we're missing! You know that quick-witted, sassy, reading culture of trans women, drag queens, and gay men? We need to bring that queer dick energy to progressive politics!"
Länk (Theryn).

"It’s possible to be both angry and cool. And what do you get when you sprinkle a little anger into a glass of cool? You get… Ice cold. And that’s what we on the left need to become: Ice Cold Motherfuckers. /.../ What we need is social justice, drugs, and rock n' roll."
Länk (ContraPoints).

ContraPoints says we need to become ICE COLD MOTHERFUCKERS, and Theryn says we need Queer Dick Energy, so I guess... Ice Cold Motherfucking Queer Dick Energy?

#valår #polidicks #dragrace #mouthfeel

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