söndag 24 september 2017

Buffy/TV Tropes Connection

"Nobody can deny or ignore the influence of Buffy on the TV shows that followed it, both within and outside the genre. (Russell T. Davies had at least one eye on this show when he revived Doctor Who.) This series has become one of the most Trope Overdosed and Lampshaded shows in existence — thousands of references to Buffy exist across this entire wiki — partially because TV Tropes began with a specific focus on Buffy (based on a 2004 thread on the fan site Buffistas.org) before branching out to all of TV and eventually all of everything. However, we no longer consider this show as merely Trope Overdosed — we now officially classify it as kiloWick and one of The Truly Awesome. With over 7,000 wicks and a runtime of 6,056 minutes, this page (well, this entry and its metapages) now has over one wick per minute."
Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been indexed to avoid one day breaking the site."


Huh. Det här kan vara en förklaring till varför TV Tropes är right up my alley - det kryllar av Buffyfans. Should be a good place to make internet friends then - om jag fortfarande var intresserad av sådant. But these days I don't even try to missionera the cult of Buffy (har jag väl förvisso aldrig gjort heller), så även om jag delar upp folk i två kategorier, nämligen dom som sett Buffy, och dom som inte gjort det, så går jag ju inte direkt runt och frågar folk "if they even Buffy". But maybe I should, actually. Om inget annat så vore det lite kul, ju. Oh well, back to my Buffyesque bible studies for now.

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